Sunday, September 18, 2011

Propagana Map

A propaganda map is a map that is used to portray or convince people of an idea. Propaganda maps can be considered to be a type of arbitrary cartography because one can design the map to specifically show a particular opinion. Propaganda maps have been used throughout history and have proven to be very successful. The map shown below is a propaganda map of Florida. The map portrays the positive attractions of Florida, such as the beaches, certain animals such as dolphins and pelicans, and even a space ship to show where Kennedy Space Center is located. If someone who has never been to Florida and knew nothing about the state were to see this map, they would believe that Florida is the ideal place to travel. Notice the designer’s propaganda map is trying to portray Florida in a positive manner, and has purposely failed to display thunderstorms and hurricanes, even though these are a common occurrences.

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